For the Guest Lecture in Week Seven:
- OPA: 999 days max, average length of stay=about 2 days
- Housekeepers in the hotel industry are responsible for keeping the facility clean, safe and comfortable for guests. Their jobs include cleaning rooms, changing bedding, cleaning all bathrooms, replacing toiletries, cleaning common areas, doing laundry and ensuring a clean overall appearance. These individuals may also be required to assist in other areas of the hotel. They include all levels of housekeeping, from assistants to supervisors and executive housekeepers. It is important to have housekeeping available 24 hours per day seven days per week for guests in the hotel industry.
- Housekeepers are specially trained individuals. They can be provided with performance-development programs to improve their work and assist them in moving up in the hospitality industry. Housekeeping in the hotel industry can be a stepping stone for future positions and promotions for housekeepers. These individuals learn key communication and teamwork skills that can be used throughout the hotel industry, not just in housekeeping. Proper selection and training are the key to maintaining a superior housekeeping department within the hotel industry.
Additional Services
- As with most services, the more a company can offer the more the consumer is loyal. The hotel industry can offer additional housekeeping services, such as dry cleaning, laundry, shoe polishing and personalized touches for return guests that will keep the guests coming back. Encouraging innovation in the housekeeping departments of the hotel industry will continually create new services and add value for customers.
- Although housekeeping is vital to the hotel industry, there are several challenges. Ensuring the efficiency of the staff and cleaning chemicals is important. In addition, reducing waste and reducing the environmental impact of the hotel industry can be done through housekeeping. Training housekeeping staff to become more energy aware will aid with energy conservation and also reduce the environmental impact of the hotel industry. Housekeeping staff will also be required to anticipate guest needs. Finally, offering educational opportunities to staff members on all these areas will reduce the challenges the hotel industry faces in the housekeeping department.